Year Of The Snake Forecast for Manh Tuan
Birth Date and Time: October 04, 1984  -- 3 AM
Your Chinese Astrology Signs:
Year:Wood Rat
Month:Wood Dog
Day:Metal Sheep
Hour:Metal Tiger

1. Year of Wood Rat
The element Wood is associated with humanity and generosity; any sign under the influence of Wood is likely to have a more compassionate aspect of its major traits. The same is true of the Rat as well who in its Wood avatar is quieter, more considerate of his/her fellow beings and holds values closer to their heart.
One of the most common traits associated with people born in the Year of the Rat is their energy – they are multi-taskers at heart and are quite capable of juggling several projects and interests together. When influenced by Wood though, the Rat tends to acquire a greater serenity of temperament and stability in life. It does not feel the need to flit from one experience and interest to another – a Rat trait that is likely to be heightened when associated with a dynamic Metal like Fire. Instead the Wood Rat is quieter, willing to stand back and see the world swing on its course as days go by. This in turn makes the Rat a far more settled person than others of his/her group and in the end capable of feeling a greater sense of satisfaction in life. Thus in personal relationships, the Wood Rat has a greater chance of enjoying long term commitment and lasting family life.
Another positive consequence of a serene temperament is that the Wood Rat is less vulnerable to the typical nervous tensions that can plague Rats of elements like fire and Metal. Essentially Rat has a tendency to burn-outs and periods of exhaustion, primarily due to the hectic social and professional life they like to lead. Other than this, the Rat can also get high-strung or given to a nervy quality than can be pushed to edge in times of excessive worry or stress. The Wood Rat though with his/her tendency to take things easy and avoidance of excessive stimulation is likely to be less nervy and more equable in temperament as compared to counterparts of other elements.
Yet another appreciable trait of the Wood Rat is a strong ethical streak in his/her nature. In Chinese astrology, the Rat is seen as a positive example of the survival instinct and qualities like ingenuity and resourcefulness which has ultimately enabled such a small-sized animal to stay in the game for so many millennia. In general, whether in business as in life, the Rat is usually ruled by the philosophy of ‘Self comes first’. They are highly adept at securing their own situation in a competitive world and in fact the Rat is not even above using manipulative means to get his/her own way. However the Wood Rat is least likely to adopt any morally ambiguous ways in order to achieve his/her goals. This character has a stronger sense of values than other elements and would much rather do without riches and material success instead of taking recourse to immoral or even dubious means.
The only drawback perhaps of the Wood Rat is that he/she is rather timid in nature. Since they would prefer a life of serenity and fellow feeling, they are only too happy to avoid the “Rat race”. While this grants them a peaceful lifestyle, it also leaves them deprived of the chance to make it good in this world. And yet it is not that the Wood Rat is passive or stupid – they are as intelligent and resourceful as a Rat of any other element; it is only that they probably would take the longer and more righteous path to success.

2.  Month of Wood Dog
Wood Dog people are loyal and dependable. They are law abiding and highly ethical. Wood Dog people are honest and reliable. They possess good leadership qualities and organization abilities. They are all-rounder individuals. Wood Dog people tend to excel in careers like Enforcement Officers, Police Officers or even Politicians. They are able to get along well with others. Friends and associates around Wood Dog people respect them as being righteous and their abilities to exude self-confidence. Wood Dog people are warm, caring, affectionate and faithful friends.

3. Day of Metal Sheep
Since you're a Metal Sheep, you can seem a little tougher on the outside than other Sheep. You present a very calm and commanding exterior. But underneath is that wonderful heart of gold and soft nature that endears you to others. Sensitive and artistic, your main goals focus on creating an idyllic, harmonious existence for yourself and others.
You possess a great deal of pride and are well aware of how talented and deserving you are, aren't you? Well, you are the very best! You also don't mind working hard to ensure your financial security.
Metal Sheep are often artistically inclined. You can appreciate beauty all around you. Comfortable, attractive surroundings are important to your happiness. Spend extra time decorating your home if you wish. You would enjoy the process of picking out colors and furnishings according to your wonderful taste. You can provide a beautiful showcase for all to enjoy.
A harmonious emotional life is very necessary for you to maintain a feeling of balance. You prefer having a small circle of friends that understand your sensitive and vulnerable nature and make you feel secure. Friends can help you enjoy your life and prosper, and you love to coddle them and make them happy, too.
4. Hour of Metal Tiger
Metal Tiger people are very independent and ambitious. They are assertive, preferring to trust their own instincts and judgement than to listen to the opinions of others. They decide what they want to achieve and will go all out to attain them at all causes. Metal Tiger people are inflexible and quick-tempered. People around Metal Tiger people will feel they are cold and uncompromising.


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